Accelerometer Calibration
High Frequency accelerometer Calibration
Structural Solutions offers accurate back-to back comparision and laser interferometer primary calibration system for calibrating ICP (IEPE), charge, Piezoresistive (MEMS) and capacitive type accelerometers. Accelerometer calibration using primary calibration system is in accordance with ISO 16063-11 calibration method covering frequency range from 0.1 Hz to 20kHz. And accelerometer calibration using Secondary calibration system (having precision air-bearing shaker) in accordance with ISO 16063-21 calibration method covering frequency range from 2Hz to 20kHz. Calibration by both primary and secondary calibration systems are NIST and/or PTB traceable calibrations.
Low Frequency accelerometer Calibration
Low frequency/high sensitivty accelerometers that are regularly used in applications like Building and floor vibration monitoring; Earthquake detection; Structural testing of bridges and foundations; Geological formation studies etc needs to be periodically calibrated at low frequencies. Structural Solutions provides Low frequency accelerometer calibration system with SmartStroke™ technology calibration grade long stroke shaker having usable stroke of 25 cm. It includes both optical displacement and high sensitivity accelerometer reference technology to calibrate high sensitivity accelerometers to lower frequencies covering frequency range of 0.1Hz to 500Hz.
Shock accelerometer Calibration
Accelerometers which are developed for high amplitude, DC response acceleration, long duration transient motion or fast rise time event measurement that occur in applications like metal-to-metal impact, Pyroshock, Penetrator & launch tests, consumer electronics drop testing, sporting goods and impact tool testing etc needs to be accurately calibrated for improving confedence in measurement results. Structural Solutions offer Shock Accelerometer Calibration Workstation system with a state-of-the-art shock exciter, PneuShock™. It provides calibration and linearity check for sensors from 20g to 10,000g in accordance with ISO 16063-22 calibration method and NIST and/or PTB traceability.
High g Accelerometer Calibration
High g shock accelerometers designed for demanding applications like Nearfield and farfield pyroshock, Shaker Shock, Explosive bolts & stage separation, Pile Driver Monitoring, Body Armor and Helmet Testing need to be regularly calibrated to ensure its dynamic linearity and capbilty to operate in severe acceleration environments. Structural Solutions offer a fully automated, turnkey High amplitude accelerometer calibration system including Hopkinson Pressure Bar for calibrating and verifying high g range shock accelerometers up to 100,000 g amplitude.
Portable Vibration Calibrators and Field Tester
Vibration Alarms, Proximity Probes, Velocity Sensors, Accelerometers used for vibration/condition monitoring of critical rotating assets as apart of predective maintainance needs to be validated and calibrated timely to protect these assets and avoid catastrophic failures. Structural Solutions supply a range of field tester/vibration calibrator which are perfect for checking acclerometers, velocity transducers, proximity probes, vibration meters and vibration alarms at customer site.