The HVM200 is a small rugged vibration meter with built in Wi-Fi that can be used to measure hand-arm, whole body and general vibration. It includes the metrics and frequency weightings needed to measure human vibration. This 3 channel meter meets the requirements of ISO 8041:2005 and it is designed to measure per ISO 2631-1, 2 & 5 and ISO 5349 in support of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) and the directive 2002/44/EC. This makes the HVM200 an ideal choice for an instrument used to demonstrate compliance with human vibration requirements and regulations worldwide.
Health Arm Vibration Health Concerns
Hand -Arm Vibration Syndrome is a general term used to describe the physical damage to the hand, fingers and related structures resulting from chronic exposure to excessive vibration. Excessive exposure to hand-arm vibration can lead vascular and neuropathic damage.
1/1 and 1/3 Octave Filters
Determine the frequency content of measured vibration levels by configuring the HVM200 with the optional IEC 61260 class 1 compliant 1/1 and 1/3 octave filters (0.5 Hz to 2000 Hz and 0.4 Hz to 2500 Hz respectively). Data can then be transferred for reporting or further analysis using USB, Wi-Fi or a removable micro SD memory card.

HVM-200 Standards
ISO 8041: Human response to vibration -- Measuring instrumentation.
ISO 2631-1: Mechanical vibration and shock -- Evaluation of human exposure to wholebody vibration -- Part 1: General requirements.
ISO 2631-2: Evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration -- Part 2: Continuous and shock-induced vibrations in buildings (1 to 80 Hz).
ISO 5349: Mechanical vibration -- Guidelines for the measurement and the assessment of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration.
ISO 10819: Mechanical vibration and shock -- Hand-arm vibration -- Method for the measurement and evaluation of the vibration transmissibility of gloves at the palm of the hand.